
Saturday, January 14, 2012

a person who steals a million rupees is an industrialist and one who steals few rupees is a thief ?

coming across this topic for group discussion can be interesting . when the world debates around corruption for clinching an answer for it , i feel the answer lies how u extract that million which decides where u land urself . an industrialest earns it within the legal framework whereas a thief may not. an industrialist has to feed thousands working for him , helping him earn . he cannot force the consumer unless he can establish a monopoly in marketplace. a thief on the other hand takes away at gun point .
more or less to sum it up . its where you stand in the pyramid of society that defines it . an industrialist can pass on the blame to the next guy . but what about the guy standing at the end ?? yes he ought to be the thief . its not me but the society who decides that .

Saturday, January 7, 2012

the baniya tree

the baniyan tree is revered in india , growing and expanding . still sticking to its roots . well even the baniya's display the same traits . the trading techniques that have been practiced for ages , all passed down to the succeeding generations . the best example is of mr kishor biyani . the sam walton of india , a simple guy who took on the retail world , infused the indian technique and modern retailing philosophy . the birth of future group .