
Thursday, February 26, 2009

the word called recession

yea.. thts the word which is on everyone's lips .. be it a housemaid or ceo . it hits all and none are spared . pocket money is dwindling , lack of business orders , stock indices bowed down , its a gloomy atmosphere and why it wont be ??? loss of job on one hand and the EMI 's on the other , juggling between these two can take a serious toll . graduates are finding it hard to get into corporate life, the once common packages are a distant dream .
i guess during a recession ( which runs in cycles , ie there is cycle between recession and expansion (bullish era $$$) one should get into a small or mid size company rather than a big multi national . work up the ladder , u will get enough time to learn in small companies and climbing the career ladder will be swift . and once the bullish era begins u can make the switch will pay u handsome rewards as ur experience would be like a gold mine .
grabbing a piece of education i mean a higher educational degree would be fantastic , that will act as a boost to ur pay package and will take u on the extra mile where there isnt much competition .
recession isnt tht bad .. if u know to play by its rules .
" we all love the bull , but start caring about the bear i know the bees sting but afterall honey is not free but its the best sweet "

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